The Fading Elephant
The elephant is one of the largest and most graceful animals on Earth. Unfortunately, everyday hundreds of them are killed for their tusks. In this piece, the mother is caring for her child. But all is wasted. Because like the watercolor on the painting, the elephants are fading away.

Just like elephants, whales are also one of the largest and most graceful marine animals on Earth. But only 10,000 to 25,000 of them still exist. One of the threats is of course, human activities. But there is still hope. The blue whales are currently under the protection of Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act and their population is slowly increasing. In this piece, I tried showing the sadness of the whales through isolating them in the middle of the ocean. But the only thing that is keeping them alive is a sense of hope.
Predator or Prey?
The red wolf is one of the most endangered canids in the world. Predator control programs and deforestation are the problems. In this piece, I used the desofting technique to try to blend the wolves with the trees. The reason is because the forest is the wolves' home and without their home, the population will die off. So the big question is, are wolves still predators? Or are they the prey?

Mother's Love
This is a Japanese Snow Monkey. In this piece, I wanted to show motherly love. This is because I wanted to remind everyone that no matter what you are, a mother's love will always prevail. By protecting the child from the cold winter snow, the mother wrapped her body around the child to keep it warm. This piece took me six hours to draw and I am especially proud of the result. The way I added the snowflakes were special and random. At first, I wanted my last piece to be special. I thought to myself, instead of adding more layers to the painting, why not remove layers? This is where some of nature's resources helped. SALT. By sprinkling salt onto my painting, it acted as a absorbent of the blue watercolor and provided a snowflake feel to the painting.
After finishing all these paintings, I felt accomplished and happy with my hard work. All these paintings had a story behind it and I hope you were able to experience the same feeling I felt by reading what I said. Thank you!